
Smiling are the language of love

It comes from your heart

love smile
Victor Borge is not a dating site,
but we help you give express your personality through humor,   illustrations and graphic expressions.

Smiling Love goes at Intertainer Victor Borge´s   footprints, whose motto was always " Smile is the shortest distance between two people "

Thank you for helping to spice up the closed digital culture with open love, smile and humor
Look at the top photo (The Digital Culture)

How do I pique his interest?

by: Sexologist and Behavioral Researcher: Helena Zitihout

How do I get involved in the subculture behind the mobile phone?
Maybe you've heard your girlfriends or some dating experts say, “Do not write until you hear from him.” Or: “Ignore him until he contacts you. " Or: " Wait until HE invites YOU out."

Smiling Love

I understand! We Woman have learned that the man must take the initiative, because if we want to know if he is interested, it is actually the only way we can know - by seeing if he takes the initiative. And that is completely true… further in the process, where you HAVE already made the contact and got to know each other! BUT if you have not yet been on a date with him, or you have not even written as much as a single word to each other, you can easily take the initiative.

Here, a love gimmick gives rise to smiles on the lips, you express being a warm and Smiling Dating loving person who could be interested in contact with the recipient. - you can enter your identity in a QR code, - and if he examines it, he is interested and contact has been made.

Why take the initiative?
Because many men need to get a green light. Either because they are a little slow in the pull, because they do not think in the lanes right in the situation where you meet them, or because they are afraid of being rejected. It may also be that they are just not interested, but what do you have to lose when you do not even know each other? And then there is another really good reason why you give them the green light. Many of the good men - that is, those with real intentions - are not used to contacting Woman and being persistent, so they need to know that they may well approach you. On the other hand, many players are used to it, so if you're just waiting for men to contact you, you might miss the quiet, calm, and real men who are actually ready for a relationship.

Smiling Love

How do you give the green light?
You do this by smiling and saying hello to him the sweet one in the gym, by sending the first Loving Gimmick to him you spot among your matches on Tinder or by keeping eye contact a little longer than usual when you make eye contact with him the delicious in the group there. In this way, you show that you are not unapproachable, but interested in closer contact. So you should not play hard to get , but be open, curious and accommodating and rest as much in yourself as possible now. Maybe many Woman are afraid of it because they think they promise him more than they can keep. But by sending an innocent Loving Gimmick, you promise nothing but put up with contact and a little flirting . by your choice of love gimmick you also give him a taste of what to expect if he responds.

How NOT to do it.
Do not get so eager for contact that you demand his attention for a long time. Incidentally, this applies to all relationships with people we do not know. We can not just attend an event and then seize people's time and assume that they will entertain us or listen to us for three rigid hours because we do not bother to mingle . The same with a man you give the green light, then do not seem demanding in your contact. Your contact should be casual and easy so you do not scare him away or make him feel like he owes you anything. Please kindly and like flirting and be so willing to move on after a few remarks and a little light small talk. Then you have created an opening and he can approach you at a later date. So you do not have to spend ALL your energy on him - you just have to throw a string out and leave it up to him whether he wants to bite on or not. It is not up to you whether he does it - you have done your part.

love gimmick

Choose suitable Loving Gimmick and Make a push and pull
All in all, it's about making contact about making a little push - a little smile - a little humor that catches his attention, and then make a pull where you just pull back a little so that he himself has the opportunity to go after you if that's what he wants. So you invest a little, but you do not overinvest, and you do not invest more in him than he invests in you.

Is it a game? Some might think so. I see it as pure logic. And I also see it as respect for the person you know badly enough to allow him to choose you to or from. In addition, and just as importantly, it is also to show yourself respect that you are not investing in someone who is not investing in you. Plain and simple!

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